The quickest and easiest way to register is to submit the form below.
You can also register by clicking the email link below.
In either case, you will receive an email response as soon as possible.
You can also register by phone, in person or by mail.
$50 (2009 Tuition) if you pay in advance and we will reserve you a seat.AFTER 10/1/08 VISIT SCHEDULE LINK FOR NEW
$55 exact cash if you pay the day of the class but only if there is room.
We do not accept credit cards.
If you are mailing in a check, make the check and envelope to:
Moore H.S. Defensive Driving
100 Merrill Avenue
Staten Island, N.Y. 10314
Place the date of the desired class in the momo portion of the check.
You may register by phone.
If you would like to register in person, please call the Driver Education office at Moore Catholic H.S. for current office
hours. 718-606-7150